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MariaDB security updates

Important Security Fix for a Buffer Overflow Bug: MariaDB 5.5.28a, 5.3.11, 5.2.13 and 5.1.66 include a fix for CVE-2012-5579, a vulnerability that allowed an authenticated user to crash MariaDB server or to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the mysqld process. This is a serious security issue. We recommend upgrading from older versions as soon as possible.

MariaDB 5.5.28a, 5.3.11, 5.2.13 and 5.1.66 (GA) binaries, packages, and source tarballs are now available for download from So you can upgrade within your own major series.

Note that while this fix has just been published, some other vulnerabilities have been noted over the weekend also. Below a summary of these other CVEs as documented by Red Hat Security Response Team, with annotations by Sergei Gulubchik who is the Security Coordinator for MariaDB.

See for Sergei’s full response.

Note that stock MySQL is also affected – in this post we’re just referring to the specific MariaDB fixes/releases/responses. It appears that Oracle has not yet made any releases for this security issue, which is unfortunate as the issues have been published and can therefore be easily exploited by malicious users. In the same thread referenced above it is stated that Oracle has been made aware of the issues so a fix should be forthcoming for people who use stock MySQL also.

Naturally these security advisories also affect anyone still running a 5.0 OurDelta or early 5.1 OurDelta version. Please upgrade urgently to the latest MariaDB 5.1 (5.1.66) or above. If you require any assistance with this, please contact Open Query. This advisory is also noted on the front page of

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One-way Password Crypting Flaws

I was talking with a client and the topic of password crypting came up. From my background as a C coder, I have a few criteria to regard a mechanism to be safe. In this case we’ll just discuss things from the perspective of secure storage, and validation in an application.

  1. use a digital fingerprint algorithm, not a hash or CRC. A hash is by nature lossy (generates evenly distributed duplicates) and a CRC is intended to identify bit errors in transmitted data, not compare potentially different data.
  2. Store/use all of the fingerprint, not just part (otherwise it’s lossy again).
  3. SHA1 and its siblings are not ideal for this purpose, but ok. MD5 and that family of “message digests” has been proven flawed long ago, they can be “freaked” to create a desired outcome. Thus, it is possible to manufacture a source string that generates an MD5 of course.
  4. Add a salt of reasonable length (extra string added to password), otherwise dictionary attacks are way to easy. In addition, not using a salt means that two users who have the same password end up with the same encrypted password which is another case of “too much info” for people. Salt should of course be different for each user. Iterate.
  5. Even if someone were to capture your user/pwd table, they should not be able to decode the passwords within a reasonable amount of time. Flaws in any of the above issues can make such attacks easy.

The below code, used in a variety of ecommerce packages (osCommerce prior to v2.3.0, ZenCartCRE Loaded / Loaded Commerce, and other derivatives and descendants of oscommerce) on the surface appears to do something quite smart. Note that this code does not use an external salt (such as the username or other separate field) but instead generates it and adds it to the encrypted password. This enables it to be used in applications where no username or other login constant other than the password is available, although I’d consider that quite rare.

function validateAdminPassword($plain, $encrypted) {
  if (!$plain && !$encrypted) {
    return false;

  $stack = explode(':', $encrypted);
  if (sizeof($stack) != 2)
    return false;

  if (md5($stack[1] . $plain) == $stack[0]) {
    return true;

  return false;

function encryptAdminPassword($plain) {
  $password = '';

  for ($i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
    $password .= rand();

  // arjen comment: so the 2 is what you need to increase,
  // as well as the length of the relevant database column.
  $salt = substr(md5($password), 0, 2);

  $password = md5($salt . $plain) . ':' . $salt;

  return $password;

This code is flawed. Apart from being confusing (using the $password variable name when calculating the salt) the main problem is that the salt ends up too short. The code generates 10 pseudo-random characters (PHP tends to initialise the random generator from time, so it can be somewhat predictable which is a potential attack vector – for instance when the creation time of the user record is also stored) but then it’s run through MD5() after which only the two first characters of the resulting message digest are used for the actual salt. Since the MD5 comes out as hex digits, the range of each of the two characters is [0-9a-f] and so the total number of possibilities for the salt string is 256. That’s not a lot!

The effort involved in pre-calculating the MD5s (including all salt permutations) is not that high, it’s merely 256 times the size of the dictionary used. Wouldn’t take that much disk space. Since this code is used by lots of sites, the potential for a successful attack is rather high in that sense also. Combined with the lack of iteration, this just makes an attack all too easy.

Finally, if the user table were captured from a site with a large number of users, the chance of finding colliding encrypted passwords is quite a bit higher than it should be. But the above mentioned approach already has sufficient potential for a damaging security breach.

If this code is active on your site, a quick patch would be to increase the length of the salt by changing the substr() call, and make it do iterations. Obviously you’ll also need to similarly increase the length of the password storage column in your database. You then get old and new crypted passwords in your table and you can work out which version by checking the length of the crypted password string. On login you can replace old for new for each user as you’ll have their plain password at that point (since they just filled it in and sent it to your app). That way you can create a clean transition. I grant you it’s not perfect but it’s at least improving an otherwise very insecure situation.

If, rather than pragmatically fixing up an existing environment that you didn’t write, you want to do all this properly, read Password Storage Cheat Sheet from OWASP (the Open Web Application Security Platform). It lists a range of considerations (and reasoning) beyond my basic pragmatic list. If you’re going to code from scratch, please do it right.

Edit: 20120717: added maximum affected osCommerce version thanks to Harald Ponce de Leon. osCommerce as of v2.3.0 uses phpass like WordPress

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Scary Words – Apparently

The US Department of Homeland Security (you know that fast growing entity that didn’t exist pre-2001, that no politician wants to be responsible for shrinking for fear of being blamed in case anything happens) has been forced to release their list of keywords they monitor. An article was published by the Daily Mail online: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don’t want the government spying on you

Relevance for this blog? Near the bottom, in the category “Cyber Security”, we spotted a keyword “Mysql injection”. How exciting!

Here’s a challenge for you: can you write an innocuous story containing as many words as possible from this list? You can post it as comment here. I will send the winner a copy of the “Manga Guide to Databases” book, which – while quirky – is at least accurate and an awesome learning resource if you like manga style.

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On Password Strength

XKCD (as usual) makes a very good point – this time about password strength, and I reckon it’s something app developers need to consider urgently. Geeks can debate the exact amount of entropy, but that’s not really the issue: insisting on mixed upper/lower and/or non-alpha and/or numerical components to a user password does not really improve security, and definitely makes life more difficult for users.

So basically, the functions that do a “is this a strong password” should seriously reconsider their approach, particularly if they’re used to have the app decide whether to accept the password as “good enough” at all.

Update: Jeff Preshing has written an xkcd password generator. Users probably should choose their own four words, but it’s a nice example and a similar method could be used by an app to give “password suggestions” that are still safe.

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The Flipside of Uptime

We just had a booboo in one of our internal systems, causing it to not come up properly on reboot. The actual mishap occurred several weeks ago (simple case of human error) and was in itself a valid change so monitoring didn’t raise any concerns. So, as always, it’s interesting and useful to think about such events and see what we can learn.

Years ago, but for some now still, one objective is to see long uptime for a server, sometimes years. It means the sysadmin is doing everything right, and thus some serious pride is attached to this number. As described only last week in Modern Uptime on the Standalone Sysadmin blog, security patches are a serious issue these days, and so (except if you’re using ksplice 😉 sysadmin quality has become more a question of when you last did security updates (which might have involved a reboot), rather than the uptime number.

But I think the aforementioned booboo illustrates an additional aspect, I think it might be quite sensible to reboot a system every so many weeks (we can debate the interval and it may differ per system and situation) since in the end it will be rebooted some time, and that may show trouble at an inconvenient time. Better to test and fine out when you’re there.

Of course this also has consequences for either your external uptime (scheduled maintenance slots with outages), or thinking about your architecture differently. Can you take out any individual system in your infrastructure without some service getting interrupted? It’s doable, but not necessarily with some traditional approaches or equipment that carries the “enterprise” label.

Food for thought! As always, comments welcome.

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