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On Password Strength

XKCD (as usual) makes a very good point – this time about password strength, and I reckon it’s something app developers need to consider urgently. Geeks can debate the exact amount of entropy, but that’s not really the issue: insisting on mixed upper/lower and/or non-alpha and/or numerical components to a user password does not really improve security, and definitely makes life more difficult for users.

So basically, the functions that do a “is this a strong password” should seriously reconsider their approach, particularly if they’re used to have the app decide whether to accept the password as “good enough” at all.

Update: Jeff Preshing has written an xkcd password generator. Users probably should choose their own four words, but it’s a nice example and a similar method could be used by an app to give “password suggestions” that are still safe.

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Quiz: Enabling an application for MySQL Replication

A little challenge for you… given an existing app that does not know about separate master/slave connections, and you want to enable working in a replicated infrastructure. Simply redirecting all SELECTs to the slave connection will not work. Why?

Hint: there are at least two reasons, depending on other factors. There may be more.

Comments are set to be moderated so providing answers will not spoil it for others. I’ll leave it run for a bit and then approve all comments.

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