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The 2012 Leap Second on Linux

Sheeri K. Cabral at the Mozilla Foundation wrote about an issue with the June 30th 2012 leap second affecting at least MySQL, Java and Minecraft servers. It now appears that the underlying cause is a Linux kernel bug, as noted by John Stultz (IBM) on the Linux Kernel mailing list, and the team Sheeri is part of deserves due credit for doing awesome pattern recognition and being the first to bring it to public attention, enabling people to quickly correlate their own experience with that of others and finding a practical solution as well as helping figure out the cause.

Sheeri’s original post MySQL and the Leap Second, High CPU and the Fix describes how MySQL servers would suddenly exhibit high CPU usage during a period of low load. From her analysis this happened from the exact time that in UTC the date would go from June 30th to July 1st, and it so happens that this year a leap second (23:59:60) is inserted.

A quick fix is

$ sudo date -s "`date`"

Obviously a system reboot works as well, but that’s rather crude. Some sysadmins roll out some form of quickfix to their servers via Puppet.

It’s important to note that merely restarting MySQL Server (or another affected service) does not resolve the problem – not surprising, since they’re all victims of the problem rather than the cause. There is a MySQL bug report for it, with the kernel list reference as its last comment.

(post updated with Sheeri’s feedback – see comment below)

Update 2012-07-04

Several Heise Online articles provide additional information on the issue.

The kernel bug means that the [high resolution timer] code fails to set the system time when the leap second is added. The result is that the hrtimer representation of the time taken from the kernel is a second ahead of the system time. If an application then calls a kernel function with a timeout of less than a second, the kernel assumes that the timeout has elapsed immediately after setting the timer, and so returns to the program code immediately. In the event of a timeout, many programs simply repeat the requested operation and immediately set a new timer. This results in an endless loop, leading to 100% CPU utilisation.

Other tidbits:

  • The issue is not related to the 2009 leap second problem, so it’s not a regression.
  • A number of kernel developers had been performing testing in recent months to see whether the 2012 leap second insertion was likely to cause problems, finding and fixing several bugs in the process.
  • The problem appears to affect all kernel versions from 2.6.26 up to and including 3.3.Google’s way of handling leap seconds by inserting fractions of the second during the day prior to the event is interesting, their method completely avoids the leap second insert. Since leap seconds (and days) always require special handling in software, code that is only required on those instances, it makes sense to avoid them altogether if that’s possible. Obviously the Google method cannot be applied to leap days, but the issues with those are of a different nature to leap second insertion. See Time, technology and leaping seconds
  • The report from the Hetzner hosting service about the issue causing a 1MW spike in electricity usage deserves consideration. With the proliferation of servers, desktop computers and embedded devices such as wireless routers, time-based bugs have the potential to cause major disruption, in this case to an electricity grid. If systems controlling the environment (like the grid) are affected also, the consequences can be even more significant.

From Open Query’s own explorations (this includes some conjecture):

  • From our own client realm it appears that many Red Hat and CentOS systems were not affected, whereas those running Debian or Ubuntu kernels were. Since distros roll their own kernels with numerous patches, this is entirely possible. As a software developer knows, even a patch serving a different purpose could somehow affect the timer behaviour, thus avoiding the problem. There’s also the real possibility that it’s a (partial) correlation not a causality.
  • Some people don’t run the NTP service. That’s not something I wouldn’t really like to recommend, as having a proper system time definitely prevents more issues than it causes, but in this particular case it may have “saved” some systems from experiencing the issue.
  • The NTP service has many settings, some of which can also affect the behaviour for this case.

In a nutshell… the real world is complex and an event involves a combination of different factors resulting in a certain behaviour. While it’s sometimes easy to identify a cause for a particular environment (one client, in our case), getting a complete picture across more clients is more than a tad harder. If you simply put the information from different clients together, the evidence can appear to be rather contradictory.

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Server Ownership Legalities

As I reported via Twitter late last week, we encountered an issue that got some of our mail delivery delayed by about a day and a half. I’ll explain more about what happened as I believe in openness on these matters, and also the experience has educational content for others.

Our mail server doesn’t have direct external interaction, it’s shielded by two relays that handle both the inbound MX and the outbound queue. This setup works remarkably well in terms of exposure to spam and other malicious activity. As previously discussed, it appears that it’s more difficult to make mail server infra more resilient without expending lots more time/effort and infrastructure expenditure. Just because of the way the common tools for mail delivery and imap are built, having two or more of each in a semi-active setup gets quite complex. Complexity is in itself a risk so it has to be considered in relation to the costs and risks of the alternatives.

When our mail server becomes unavailable, incoming mail is queued, and we have backups so no mail is actually lost. The cost is the time and effort involved in getting a full replacement server up and running from a backup. That can be optimised/prepared to a point, but mail is still a lot more data than most other web infrastructure so shuffling that data around just takes a while. Some outbound queues from our online services (for instance our client services system Redmine) goes straight to the relays so there is less impact there. Apart from backups elsewhere, have redundancy for the mailserver: an identical instance on a server in the same DC (those servers are our own).

So what happened last week? Our servers resided in a rack which was leased from the DC by another company through which we “sublet” the rack space, connection and bandwidth. This is a common scenario, as small businesses don’t generally need a full rack and datacentres prefer dealing with fewer/bigger clients and set their pricing accordingly. The intermediate company became unavailable which put our servers in a temporary legal limbo. The DC only gives access to the primary lessor of the rack, so us asking for access to move our servers wasn’t straightforward. Of course we had documentation to back up our assertion as to which equipment was ours, but as you can imagine that legal avenue takes longer to resolve – fortunately the owner of the intermediate company communicated well with the operations manager at the DC and that’s how we were able to retrieve our gear relatively quickly.

We’re still in the same DC, but are now a direct client of the DC in a shared rack. That may appear odd in the context of what I wrote before, but since we first moved there several years ago the DC has improved their infrastructure management to the point where servicing smaller clients is not a resource drain and thus they have sensible plans available. That’s brilliant given the market, but it’s actually quite unusual – commonly companies aim for bigger clients rather than recognising an opportunity to server small clients.

While this was going on we were of course working on a separate replacement mailserver, built from the backups. Since normally we’d have a replacement server already set up, the “build from scratch using backups” is a slower path. As it turned out, we got our servers back online around the same time we had our replacement ready, and for various reasons it was easier to just use the original servers at that point.

From this story you can work out several useful lessons, remembering that it’s always a trade-off. At some point the cost of being able to mitigate a particular scenario is so high that it’s not worthwhile. You just have to plan for several most common possibilities, with a slower recovery from backup as the last resort.

There’s also another piece of information which is highly relevant for Australian businesses, and that’s the Australian Personal Property Securities Register. Legislation for this system was enacted in 2009, the scheme is only since January 2012 and there’s a two-year transitional period. Remember how “posession is 9/10ths of the law” ? Well, if you ignore PPS it’s now 10/10ths. It is the primary and only register and reference for ownership of items (and data!) that are in care of another legal entity. So we own some servers, that reside in a rack of another company in a DC. We register ourselves, and then our servers (short description and serial numbers and such) and associated data content with PPS, against both the intermediate company (which had legal charge over the rack they reside in) and the hosting company (where the items physically reside). This way, we have a claim that indeed the stuff is ours, but also since the PPS is the only register we have ensure that noone else (inadvertently or even maliciously) claims to own something that’s actually ours. If you have a similar situation (and remember that data is as important as physical items!) you want to register it with PPS. The registration process is somewhat convoluted, but it is free – searches cost. Remember IANAL (I am not a lawyer) so do your research and get appropriate legal advice. If you’re not in Australia, other similar legislation may apply and you’ll want to check to make sure you’re safe.


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Jetpants: a toolkit for huge MySQL topologies

From a Tumblr engineering blog post:

Tumblr is one of the largest users of MySQL on the web. At present, our data set consists of over 60 billion relational rows, adding up to 21 terabytes of unique relational data. Managing over 200 dedicated database servers can be a bit of a handful, so naturally we engineered some creative solutions to help automate our common processes.

Today, we’re happy to announce the open source release of Jetpants, Tumblr’s in-house toolchain for managing huge MySQL database topologies. Jetpants offers a command suite for easily cloning replicas, rebalancing shards, and performing master promotions. It’s also a full Ruby library for use in developing custom billion-row migration scripts, automating database manipulations, and copying huge files quickly to multiple remote destinations.

Dynamically resizable range-based sharding allows you to scale MySQL horizontally in a robust manner, without any need for a central lookup service or massive pre-allocation of tiny shards. Jetpants supports this range-based model by providing a fast way to split shards that are approaching capacity or I/O limitations. On our hardware, we can split a 750GB, billion-row pool in half in under six hours.

Jetpants can be obtained via GitHub or RubyGems.

Good work Tumblr, excellent move to open up your tools: you’re bound to get good feedback and bug catches/fixes from users in other environments now, making your toolset even better!

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MySQL Cluster on Raspberry Pi

Earlier this week, Andrew Morgan wrote a piece on running MySQL Cluster on Raspberry Pi. Since the term “Cluster” is hideously overloaded, I’ll note that we’re talking about the NDB cluster storage engine here, a very specific architecture originally acquired by MySQL AB from Ericsson (telco).

Raspberry Pi is a new single-board computer based on the ARM processor series (same stuff that powers most mobile phones these days), and it can run Linux without any fuss. Interfaces include Ethernet, USB, and HDMI video, and the cost is $25-50. I’m looking to use one for the front-end of a MythTV setup (digital video recorder and TV system), I can just strap the Raspberry Pi to the back of a TV or monitor to do its job.

As Andrew already notes, in practical terms you’re not likely to use Raspberry Pi for a cluster – perhaps for development and certain testing, and it’d be a neat solid state management server. Primarily, it’s “techie cool”.

Knowing the NDB architecture, one of the key issues is that all nodes need to communicate with each other (NxN) so the system is very network intensive, and network latency significantly affects performance. So commonly, a cluster would have at least separate interfaces for direct connections to its siblings (no switch), and possibly Dolphin Interconnect cards to provide a link with much less latency than regular Ethernet offers. And you can’t do either with Raspberry Pi.

However, there are important positive lessons in this setup:

  • Using the open source nature of the software it can be utilised in a new environment with only minimal tweaks. Not everybody needs to or wants to tweak, but the ability to do so is critical to innovation.
  • Overall, scaling out rather than up makes sense. There are cost, power-efficiency and other factors involved. More, cheap, relatively low-powered, systems can deliver a system architecture that would otherwise be unaffordable (and the expensive construct might not scale anyway).
  • Affordable resilience (redundancy).

What if you needed lots of MySQL slaves with a fairly small dataset? Raspberry Pi could well be the solution. Not everybody is “big” or “high performance” in the same way.

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Scary Words – Apparently

The US Department of Homeland Security (you know that fast growing entity that didn’t exist pre-2001, that no politician wants to be responsible for shrinking for fear of being blamed in case anything happens) has been forced to release their list of keywords they monitor. An article was published by the Daily Mail online: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don’t want the government spying on you

Relevance for this blog? Near the bottom, in the category “Cyber Security”, we spotted a keyword “Mysql injection”. How exciting!

Here’s a challenge for you: can you write an innocuous story containing as many words as possible from this list? You can post it as comment here. I will send the winner a copy of the “Manga Guide to Databases” book, which – while quirky – is at least accurate and an awesome learning resource if you like manga style.

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Open Query training at Drupal DownUnder 2012

DrupalDownUnder 2012 will be held in Melbourne Australia 13-15 January. A great event, I’ve been to several of its predecessors. People there don’t care an awful lot for databases, but they do realise that sometimes it’s important to either learn more about it or talk to someone specialised in that field. And when discussing general infrastructure, resilience is quite relevant. Clients want a site to remain up, but keep costs low.

I will teach pre-conference training sessions on the Friday at DDU:

The material is made specific to Drupal developers and users. The query design skills, for instance, will help you with module development and designing Drupal Views. The two half-days can also be booked as a MySQL Training Pack for $395.

On Saturday afternoon in the main conference, I have a session Scaling out your Drupal and Database Infrastructure, Affordably covering the topics of resilience, ease of maintenance, and scaling.

I’m honoured to have been selected to do these sessions, I know there were plenty of submissions from excellent speakers. As with all Drupal conferences, attendees also vote on which submissions they would like to see.

After DDU I’m travelling on to Ballarat for LinuxConfAU 2012, where I’m not speaking in the main program this year, but will have sessions in the “High Availability and Storage” and “Business of Open Source” miniconfs. I’ll do another post on the former – the latter is not related to Open Query.

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SQL Locking and Transactions – OSDC 2011 video

This recent session at OSDC 2011 Canberra is based on part of an Open Query training day, and (due to time constraints) without much of the usual interactivity, exercises and further MySQL specific detail. People liked it anyway, which is nice! The info as presented is not MySQL specific, it provides general insight in how databases implement concurrency and what trade-offs they make.

See for the talk abstract.

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What a Hosting Provider did Today

I found Dennis the Menace, he now has a job as system administrator for a hosting company. Scenario: client has a problem with a server becoming unavailable (cause unknown) and has it restarted. MySQL had some page corruption in the InnoDB tablespace.

The hosting provider, being really helpful, goes in as root and first deletes ib_logfile* then ib* in /var/lib/mysql. He later says “I am sorry if I deleted it. I thought I deleted the log only. Sorry again.”  Now this may appear nice, but people who know what they’re doing with MySQL will realise that deleting the iblogfiles actually destroys data also. MySQL of course screams loudly that while it has FRM files it can’t find the tables. No kidding!

Then, while he’s been told to not touch anything any more, and I’m trying to see if I can recover the deleted files on ext3 filesystem (yes there are tools for that), he goes in again and puts an ibdata1 file back. No, not the logfiles – but he had those somewhere else too. The files get restored and turn out to be two months old (no info on how they were made in the first place but that’s minor detail in this grand scheme). All the extra write activity on the partition would’ve also made potential deleted file recovery more difficult or impossible.

This story will still get a “happy” ending, using a recent mysqldump to load a new server at a different hosting provider. Really – some helpfulness is not what you want. Secondary lesson: pick your hosting provider with care. Feel free to ask us for recommendations as we know some excellent providers and have encountered plenty of poor ones.

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When Clever Goes Wrong & How Etsy Overcame – Arstechnica

In 2007, Etsy made a big bet on homegrown middleware to help with the site’s scalability. A half-year after it was taken live, the company decided to abandon it. As a senior software engineer at Etsy put it, “if you’re doing something ‘clever,” you’re probably doing it wrong.”

Read the full article at

I want to focus on the important lessons from this article, about middleware and using stored procedures in this fashion for a public web application, creating unscalable design complexity (smart and “proper” according to the old enterprise design teachings…) – causing infrastructure, development and maintenance hassles.

In the process they did replace PostgreSQL with MySQL but that’s not the critical change that made all the difference. PostgreSQL is a fine database system also.

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Green HDs and RAID Arrays

Some so-called “Green” harddisks don’t like being in a RAID array. These are primarily SATA drives, and they gain their green credentials by being able reduce their RPM when not in use, as well as other aggressive power management trickery. That’s all cool and in a way desirable – we want our hardware to use less power whenever possible! – but the time it takes some drives to “wake up” again is longer than a RAID setup is willing to tolerate.

First of all, you may wonder why I bother with SATA disks at all for RAID. I’ve written about this before, but they simply deliver plenty for much less money. Higher RPM doesn’t necessarily help you for a db-related (random access) workload, and for tasks like backups which do have a lot of speed may not be a primary concern. SATA disks have a shorter command queue than SAS, so that means they might need to seek more – however a smart RAID controller would already arrange its I/O in such a way as to optimise that.

The particular application where I tripped over Green disks was a backup array using software RAID10. Yep, a cheap setup – the objective is to have lots of diskspace with resilience, and access speed is not a requirement.

Not all Green HDs are the same. Western Digital ones allow their settings to be changed, although that does need a DOS tool (just a bit of a pest using a USB stick with FreeDOS and the WD tool, but it’s doable), whereas Seagate has decided to restrict their Green models such that they don’t accept any APM commands and can’t change their configuration.

I’ve now replaced Seagates with (non-Green) Hitachi drives, and I’m told that Samsung disks are also ok.

So this is something to keep in mind when looking at SATA RAID arrays. I also think it might be a topic that the Linux software RAID code could address – if it were “Green HD aware” it could a) make sure that they don’t go to a state that is unacceptable, and b) be tolerant with their response time – this could be configurable. Obviously, some applications of RAID have higher demands than others, not all are the same.

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