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MariaDB Foundation

You may have already seen the announcement MariaDB Foundation to Safeguard Leading Open Source Database. We at Open Query wholeheartedly support this (r)evolution of the MySQL ecosystem, which appears to be increasingly necessary as Oracle Corp is seriously dropping the ball with security updates and actually just general development and innovation. Oracle has actually done some very good work, I happily acknowledge that – but security issues are critical, having crashing bugs and incorrect query results in a .28 of a GA release is uncool, and not incorporating awesome development efforts by the community is just astonishing.

MariaDB is where the Sphinx fulltext search and OQGraph engines are integrated, the community developed virtual columns and Galera synchronous replication are added, and the fabulous developers at Monty Program have taken the time to fix up the previously ghastly performance of subqueries so that they now rock. And that’s apart from the many little bugs Monty Program has fixed along the way. Awesome work, guys!

MariaDB still merges from stock MySQL, but it’s important to not be dependent on that – the MariaDB Foundation can help support that already existing effort and raise the profile of MariaDB to – as far as I’m concerned – move on from MySQL.

From our end, apart from our continued active involvement in the community, Open Query will be adjusting and augmenting its fee structure so that our clients co-fund MariaDB Foundation and contributing companies such as Codership (Galera). MySQL and MariaDB are mission critical for businesses. It’s not (and never has been) a case of volunteers and mere charity. We all p(l)ay our part.

It’s time to upgrade.

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MariaDB security updates

Important Security Fix for a Buffer Overflow Bug: MariaDB 5.5.28a, 5.3.11, 5.2.13 and 5.1.66 include a fix for CVE-2012-5579, a vulnerability that allowed an authenticated user to crash MariaDB server or to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the mysqld process. This is a serious security issue. We recommend upgrading from older versions as soon as possible.

MariaDB 5.5.28a, 5.3.11, 5.2.13 and 5.1.66 (GA) binaries, packages, and source tarballs are now available for download from So you can upgrade within your own major series.

Note that while this fix has just been published, some other vulnerabilities have been noted over the weekend also. Below a summary of these other CVEs as documented by Red Hat Security Response Team, with annotations by Sergei Gulubchik who is the Security Coordinator for MariaDB.

See for Sergei’s full response.

Note that stock MySQL is also affected – in this post we’re just referring to the specific MariaDB fixes/releases/responses. It appears that Oracle has not yet made any releases for this security issue, which is unfortunate as the issues have been published and can therefore be easily exploited by malicious users. In the same thread referenced above it is stated that Oracle has been made aware of the issues so a fix should be forthcoming for people who use stock MySQL also.

Naturally these security advisories also affect anyone still running a 5.0 OurDelta or early 5.1 OurDelta version. Please upgrade urgently to the latest MariaDB 5.1 (5.1.66) or above. If you require any assistance with this, please contact Open Query. This advisory is also noted on the front page of

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MariaDB C client libraries and the end of dual-licensing

Finally there is an LGPL C client library for MariaDB, and thus also for MySQL. Monty Program and SkySQL have been working on this for some time. Admittedly there was already the BSD licensed Drizzle client library which was also able to talk to a MySQL/MariaDB server, however its API is different. The C client library for MariaDB has exactly the same API existing applications are used to, so you can just re-link and keep going! There is also a new LGPL Java client library for MariaDB.

In case you don’t quite realise: this is actually a major thing.

At MySQL AB, the client library was made GPL and this flowed through to Sun Microsystems and then Oracle Corp. This licensing choice for the client library was the basis of the infamous “dual licensing” model: if you developed a proprietary application to distribute (not just internal or used in a website), you could obviously not just link against the GPL client library was its license explicitly states that whomever receives that code is entitled to ask for the source code. Some describe that as the “viral nature” of GPL – if you want to use such licensed code it prescribes what kind of license you can use for the rest of the code it’s linked to – but in any case that’s how the license operates, following the objective of GPL to promote free as in freedom (for recipients of the programs).

So the way this worked in practice is that MySQL Sales could sell you a non-GPL license for this code, thus enabling proprietary use. It’s legal leverage and not intrinsically bad, but IMHO the way the sales people played this was. Using FUD (fear-uncertainty-doubt) and sometimes misdirection they coaxed clients in to costly licensing arrangements, including in cases where really the GPL license would have sufficed. While this behaviour was by no means corporate policy, the sales people got a lot of leeway – and being paid on commission, these were the consequences.

When the MySQL Network subscription offering (now called MySQL Enterprise) for support was introduced around 2004, the intent was that this new revenue stream would make the dual licensing irrelevant. But that’s not what happened (hindsight gives insight). Since selling non-GPL licenses was a major revenue stream for the sales people, they kept on pushing it. Clayton Christensen and others at Harvard Business School observed years ago that you can’t disrupt yourself, and this might be an interesting example. While the subscription model did take off nicely, the licensing sales were still making lots of money, and thus it did not diminish in importance. Note that this sales model exists until today, see Commercial License for OEMs, ISVs and VARs (Oracle Corp) .

The MySQL Enterprise subscription (which is still sold by Oracle Corp) has had other consequences also. The tools that clients get via that subscription are nice, they provide information on how the server is running and how queries are handled. But it does so at a cost: for some tasks it needs a proxy (sits inbetween app and db server) which of course adds overhead. One simple example is the case where you want to know whether a particular query uses a tmp table or a sort operation, and whether those operations happened in memory or on disk. But the server already knows, so why is a proxy required? Because if the code were in the server, everybody would have it and not just the subscribers. That’s a valid business decision of course, but as you see it has significant technical consequences and someone’s business model should not concern us. In the MySQL 5.0 OurDelta enhanced builds we already applied a patch (an amalgamation of work by several people) to enhance the slow query log, Monty ported it for 5.1 and it’s now a standard part of MariaDB.

For everybody’s sake it would have been great if the dual licensing model had gone the way of the dodo. It had its time (until around 2004-2005, arguably), after which it became a hindrance, actually hurting the MySQL ecosystem – and that situation pretty much persisted until now. That’s why this replacement library is so important, it makes that whole case obsolete. I say horay, and I hope distributions will soon use this library (as apart from anything else, the licensing for it is clear rather than messy).

To summarise, as talks about licensing often confuse (particularly with the amount of FUD and old info around on the net):

  1. GPL v2 only “kicks in” when software is distributed (beyond the boundary of your organisation).
  2. Internal use (which includes the code on running a website) is not distribution.
  3. Whether or not you sell something is irrelevant for GPL: it’s purely about distribution of code, not whether money is involved.
  4. Using MySQL or MariaDB Server is almost always fine under GPL, since you’re not linking against anything else.
  5. The old MySQL client library is GPL, so if you link your app against it you’re subject to GPL, that is, the rest of the app would need to be licensed under something compatible with GPL (typically, GPL itself). Again, this is only relevant if you distribute that app.
  6. The new MariaDB client library is LGPL v2.1, so you are allowed to link it with proprietary application code and then distribute. The recipients must be able to re-link the proprietary code with another version (modified or not) of the client library (easily satisfied if you link dynamically rather than statically).
  7. If someone tells you that use of a wire protocol constitutes linking and that therefore a proprietary app is in essence linked to MySQL/MariaDB Server (which are GPL licensed), this can easily be disputed using the following example (there are many): Microsoft Internet Explorer often talks to an Apache web server using the HTTP protocol, but noone would suggest that these two codebases are in any way linked or co-dependent in a way that would be relevant to their licensing.
  8. While I was one of the people at MySQL AB who dealt with licensing questions and I strongly encourage you to reject FUD (the above info given is no different from what I used to tell while employed by MySQL), I am not a lawyer. Get legal advice if/when you need it, and get it from someone with a serious clue about GPL. Check their public credentials, not just advertising claims.

Also see:

On a side-note, perhaps someone can now link the LibreOffice Base code and the native MySQL SDBC driver (written by Georg Richter years ago) with the MariaDB client library, as they’re all LGPL. This would resolve a long-standing issue that Sun Microsystems (when they owned both OpenOffice and MySQL) sadly did not fix. See, MySQL… aren’t they both owned by Sun? And there may be other software projects that can now be “fixed up” in a similar way. If you know of any, please let me know!

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The Optimiser Conundrum

We’ve been helping a long-term client who runs some fairly complex queries (covering lots of tables and logic on a respectably big but mainly volatile dataset). We tend to look first at query structure and table design, as fixing problems there tends to have the most impact. This contrary to just tossing more hardware at the problem, which is just expensive.

As subqueries are used (and necessary in this case), MariaDB 5.3 was already a great help with its subquery optimisations. Once again thanks, Monty and the Monty Program optimiser team (Igor, Sergey, Timour, and possibly others) – all former colleagues and they’re absolutely awesome. Together, they know the MySQL optimiser like no other.

Because the queries are generated indirectly from an exposed API (just for paying clients, but still), the load is more unpredictable than having merely a local front-end. Maintaining spare capacity with slaves addresses this, but naturally it’s still important to ensure that each query takes as little time as possible. Queries use appropriate indexes and each bit is fairly optimal by now.

Then the client reported that while overall things were going really well, there was this one (type of) query that was really misbehaving. The report was that it appeared to be “locking up the server”. Now I generally don’t believe in that, because I know how the server works: it doesn’t just hang, but it might just take a long time to do exactly what it was told to do. Computers are like that.

Typically that kind of thing would happen with for instance a really bad join, but in this case there was nothing like that. Rather than running the query which was sure to not go well (or quick) regardless of what it was doing, the proper thing to try was an EXPLAIN (on a slave) – after 10 minutes I got fed up and killed the query. So, the server was spending all that time in the query analysis/optimisation phase to figure out the optimal order of the tables and which access method for each table it should use.

I know that pattern too, we used to see MySQL 4 do this. Obviously, spending ages on finding the optimal execution plan for a tiny query makes no sense – so back then the optimiser team (same people as noted above!) implemented a limitation and pruning algorithm, with configurable settings: optimizer_search_depth (default: 62) and optimizer_prune_level (default: 1). After this algorithm was implemented, we didn’t see the problem with clients so adjusting the search depth was not even required.

There are exceptions. Another former colleague, Max Mether (now at SkySQL) wrote about this a year ago: Setting optimizer search depth in MySQL, based on an experience with one of their clients. While staying with EXPLAIN rather than actually trying to run the query, I did SET SESSION optimizer_search_depth=1 and validated the hypothesis that indeed this had been where the server was spending its time. Then I played with the setting a bit, and found that for my 28-table query the curve was much steeper than what Max had found. At depth=15 I already had to wait 15 seconds just for the analysis (Max had 5 seconds at that point). While any of us old hands can look at a query and figure out reasonably well what the optimiser would do with it, that exercise becomes a bit tedious when dealing with 28 tables and subqueries involved.

As a side-note, running the actual query (with a low depth setting) takes hardly any extra time, which is typical – it’s the analysis/optimisation phase that’s eating all the time.

For now, we have a workaround… the application can set the option before running queries like this.

SET @save_optimizer_search_depth = @@optimizer_search_depth;
SET SESSION optimizer_search_depth=1;
SET SESSION optimizer_search_depth=@save_optimizer_search_depth;

But I’m not satisfied: I don’t believe the server should be acting in this way. The issue appears similar to the MySQL 4 scenario, and just like then we should come up with a way for the optimiser to decide when to call it quits and just execute. Perhaps we need to set a cap on the total amount of time allowed (configurable), but that seems rather crude. Other things have changed in the optimiser since that time, so it could even be some kind of regression – hopefully the optimiser team will figure this out when they look at it.

I’m working with the client to isolate a dataset sufficient for reproducing this issue, so that we can give it to the team at Monty Program. I’ll file a bug report when I have that set. If you happen to have something similar, please contribute your insights (and data/query) also! For now, if you can, please comment to this post. I’m interested to learn if it’s a more common occurrence now. thanks!

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The Data Charmer: Is Oracle really killing MySQL?

An insightful post for my former  (MySQL AB) colleague Giuseppe Maxia about how Oracle’s actions affect the MySQL landscape.

My own comment exploring why it’s happening (from Upstarta perspective) is on his blog post rather than here. From Open Query’s business perspective, we generally deploy MariaDB unless client prefers distro stock. We get the features we need in MariaDB, see the bugfixing and have an open dialog with the developers and see the development process.

While the current new code coming from Oracle definitely has interesting components, MariaDB has solved some real problems (such as subqueries), and integrated useful engines such as Sphinx, FederatedX, and our on OQGraph.

As long as Oracle does useful things for MySQL, MariaDB will keeping picking up those changes also. If/when it doesn’t, MariaDB is still viable. Its team has the necessary expertise, experience and vision. So that has been and will remain our approach to this matter. I don’t see the landscape now as different from when we made that decision.

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Understanding SHOW VARIABLES: DISABLED and NO values

When you use SHOW VARIABLES LIKE “have_%” to see whether a particular feature is enabled, you will note the value of NO for some, and DISABLED for others. These values are not intrinsically clear for the casual onlooker, and often cause confusion. Typically, this happens with SSL and InnoDB. So, here is a quick clarification!

  • NO means that the feature was not enabled (or was actively disabled) in the build. This means the code and any required libraries are not present in the binary.
  • DISABLED means that the feature is built in and capable of working in the binary, but is disabled due to relevant my.cnf settings.
  • YES means the feature is available, and configured in my.cnf.

SSL tends to show up as DISABLED, until you configure the appropriate settings to use it in my.cnf (SHOW VARIABLES LIKE “ssl_%”). From then on it will show up as YES.

Depending on your MySQL version and distro build, InnoDB can be disabled via the “skip-innodb” option. Obviously that’s not recommended as InnoDB should generally be your primary engine of choice!

However, InnoDB can also show up as DISABLED if the plugin fails to load due to configuration or other errors on startup. When this happens, review the error log (often redirected to syslog/messages) to identify the problem.

If InnoDB is configured as the default storage engine, failed initialisation of the plugin should now result in mysqld not starting, rather than starting with InnoDB disabled, as obviously InnoDB is required in that case.

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The 2012 Leap Second on Linux

Sheeri K. Cabral at the Mozilla Foundation wrote about an issue with the June 30th 2012 leap second affecting at least MySQL, Java and Minecraft servers. It now appears that the underlying cause is a Linux kernel bug, as noted by John Stultz (IBM) on the Linux Kernel mailing list, and the team Sheeri is part of deserves due credit for doing awesome pattern recognition and being the first to bring it to public attention, enabling people to quickly correlate their own experience with that of others and finding a practical solution as well as helping figure out the cause.

Sheeri’s original post MySQL and the Leap Second, High CPU and the Fix describes how MySQL servers would suddenly exhibit high CPU usage during a period of low load. From her analysis this happened from the exact time that in UTC the date would go from June 30th to July 1st, and it so happens that this year a leap second (23:59:60) is inserted.

A quick fix is

$ sudo date -s "`date`"

Obviously a system reboot works as well, but that’s rather crude. Some sysadmins roll out some form of quickfix to their servers via Puppet.

It’s important to note that merely restarting MySQL Server (or another affected service) does not resolve the problem – not surprising, since they’re all victims of the problem rather than the cause. There is a MySQL bug report for it, with the kernel list reference as its last comment.

(post updated with Sheeri’s feedback – see comment below)

Update 2012-07-04

Several Heise Online articles provide additional information on the issue.

The kernel bug means that the [high resolution timer] code fails to set the system time when the leap second is added. The result is that the hrtimer representation of the time taken from the kernel is a second ahead of the system time. If an application then calls a kernel function with a timeout of less than a second, the kernel assumes that the timeout has elapsed immediately after setting the timer, and so returns to the program code immediately. In the event of a timeout, many programs simply repeat the requested operation and immediately set a new timer. This results in an endless loop, leading to 100% CPU utilisation.

Other tidbits:

  • The issue is not related to the 2009 leap second problem, so it’s not a regression.
  • A number of kernel developers had been performing testing in recent months to see whether the 2012 leap second insertion was likely to cause problems, finding and fixing several bugs in the process.
  • The problem appears to affect all kernel versions from 2.6.26 up to and including 3.3.Google’s way of handling leap seconds by inserting fractions of the second during the day prior to the event is interesting, their method completely avoids the leap second insert. Since leap seconds (and days) always require special handling in software, code that is only required on those instances, it makes sense to avoid them altogether if that’s possible. Obviously the Google method cannot be applied to leap days, but the issues with those are of a different nature to leap second insertion. See Time, technology and leaping seconds
  • The report from the Hetzner hosting service about the issue causing a 1MW spike in electricity usage deserves consideration. With the proliferation of servers, desktop computers and embedded devices such as wireless routers, time-based bugs have the potential to cause major disruption, in this case to an electricity grid. If systems controlling the environment (like the grid) are affected also, the consequences can be even more significant.

From Open Query’s own explorations (this includes some conjecture):

  • From our own client realm it appears that many Red Hat and CentOS systems were not affected, whereas those running Debian or Ubuntu kernels were. Since distros roll their own kernels with numerous patches, this is entirely possible. As a software developer knows, even a patch serving a different purpose could somehow affect the timer behaviour, thus avoiding the problem. There’s also the real possibility that it’s a (partial) correlation not a causality.
  • Some people don’t run the NTP service. That’s not something I wouldn’t really like to recommend, as having a proper system time definitely prevents more issues than it causes, but in this particular case it may have “saved” some systems from experiencing the issue.
  • The NTP service has many settings, some of which can also affect the behaviour for this case.

In a nutshell… the real world is complex and an event involves a combination of different factors resulting in a certain behaviour. While it’s sometimes easy to identify a cause for a particular environment (one client, in our case), getting a complete picture across more clients is more than a tad harder. If you simply put the information from different clients together, the evidence can appear to be rather contradictory.

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Server Ownership Legalities

As I reported via Twitter late last week, we encountered an issue that got some of our mail delivery delayed by about a day and a half. I’ll explain more about what happened as I believe in openness on these matters, and also the experience has educational content for others.

Our mail server doesn’t have direct external interaction, it’s shielded by two relays that handle both the inbound MX and the outbound queue. This setup works remarkably well in terms of exposure to spam and other malicious activity. As previously discussed, it appears that it’s more difficult to make mail server infra more resilient without expending lots more time/effort and infrastructure expenditure. Just because of the way the common tools for mail delivery and imap are built, having two or more of each in a semi-active setup gets quite complex. Complexity is in itself a risk so it has to be considered in relation to the costs and risks of the alternatives.

When our mail server becomes unavailable, incoming mail is queued, and we have backups so no mail is actually lost. The cost is the time and effort involved in getting a full replacement server up and running from a backup. That can be optimised/prepared to a point, but mail is still a lot more data than most other web infrastructure so shuffling that data around just takes a while. Some outbound queues from our online services (for instance our client services system Redmine) goes straight to the relays so there is less impact there. Apart from backups elsewhere, have redundancy for the mailserver: an identical instance on a server in the same DC (those servers are our own).

So what happened last week? Our servers resided in a rack which was leased from the DC by another company through which we “sublet” the rack space, connection and bandwidth. This is a common scenario, as small businesses don’t generally need a full rack and datacentres prefer dealing with fewer/bigger clients and set their pricing accordingly. The intermediate company became unavailable which put our servers in a temporary legal limbo. The DC only gives access to the primary lessor of the rack, so us asking for access to move our servers wasn’t straightforward. Of course we had documentation to back up our assertion as to which equipment was ours, but as you can imagine that legal avenue takes longer to resolve – fortunately the owner of the intermediate company communicated well with the operations manager at the DC and that’s how we were able to retrieve our gear relatively quickly.

We’re still in the same DC, but are now a direct client of the DC in a shared rack. That may appear odd in the context of what I wrote before, but since we first moved there several years ago the DC has improved their infrastructure management to the point where servicing smaller clients is not a resource drain and thus they have sensible plans available. That’s brilliant given the market, but it’s actually quite unusual – commonly companies aim for bigger clients rather than recognising an opportunity to server small clients.

While this was going on we were of course working on a separate replacement mailserver, built from the backups. Since normally we’d have a replacement server already set up, the “build from scratch using backups” is a slower path. As it turned out, we got our servers back online around the same time we had our replacement ready, and for various reasons it was easier to just use the original servers at that point.

From this story you can work out several useful lessons, remembering that it’s always a trade-off. At some point the cost of being able to mitigate a particular scenario is so high that it’s not worthwhile. You just have to plan for several most common possibilities, with a slower recovery from backup as the last resort.

There’s also another piece of information which is highly relevant for Australian businesses, and that’s the Australian Personal Property Securities Register. Legislation for this system was enacted in 2009, the scheme is only since January 2012 and there’s a two-year transitional period. Remember how “posession is 9/10ths of the law” ? Well, if you ignore PPS it’s now 10/10ths. It is the primary and only register and reference for ownership of items (and data!) that are in care of another legal entity. So we own some servers, that reside in a rack of another company in a DC. We register ourselves, and then our servers (short description and serial numbers and such) and associated data content with PPS, against both the intermediate company (which had legal charge over the rack they reside in) and the hosting company (where the items physically reside). This way, we have a claim that indeed the stuff is ours, but also since the PPS is the only register we have ensure that noone else (inadvertently or even maliciously) claims to own something that’s actually ours. If you have a similar situation (and remember that data is as important as physical items!) you want to register it with PPS. The registration process is somewhat convoluted, but it is free – searches cost. Remember IANAL (I am not a lawyer) so do your research and get appropriate legal advice. If you’re not in Australia, other similar legislation may apply and you’ll want to check to make sure you’re safe.


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Scary Words – Apparently

The US Department of Homeland Security (you know that fast growing entity that didn’t exist pre-2001, that no politician wants to be responsible for shrinking for fear of being blamed in case anything happens) has been forced to release their list of keywords they monitor. An article was published by the Daily Mail online: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don’t want the government spying on you

Relevance for this blog? Near the bottom, in the category “Cyber Security”, we spotted a keyword “Mysql injection”. How exciting!

Here’s a challenge for you: can you write an innocuous story containing as many words as possible from this list? You can post it as comment here. I will send the winner a copy of the “Manga Guide to Databases” book, which – while quirky – is at least accurate and an awesome learning resource if you like manga style.

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