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Tool of the Day: screen

Only the other day I was talking with someone who does a lot of work on the shell command line, but hadn’t used the GNU screen tool, so I’d better scribble a post about it as I regard it as an absolute must-have for any remote work, for multiple reasons.

First of all, what screen does. You start screen inside a terminal session (local or SSH remote), and then you can create additional sessions though Ctrl-A C. The initial screen is number 0, the next one 1, and so on. You can switch between screens with Ctrl-A # where # is the screen number. This way, you can have multiple things going within a single ssh connection, very handy. But that’s not all!

If you get disconnected (it happens 😉 and you reconnect, your screen sessions will still be there, and running too. You can reattach with screen -r. To do a nice disconnect, you can do Ctrl-A D (detach) before closing your ssh connection.

You can also have multiple screen sessions by name, screens within screens (that confuses me for the control keys so I tend not to use that), and an absolute supertrick is that you can actually share a screen session with someone else. That’s sometimes mighty handy with two engineers to look at something, and also for showing things to clients.

The tool itself is absolutely ancient (aka rock solid, in maintenance mode), I did a quick check and I see references as far back as 1987. I remember using it long long ago, might’ve been a XENIX box. I reckon screen’s authors deserve a prize for creating one of the most useful tools ever!

Default Linux installs often don’t have it, but rectifying that is as simple as sudo apt-get install screen or sudo yum install screen. Then, man screen is your friend, but there are also quite a few decent tutorials on the web.

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Tool of the day: inotify

I was actually exploring inotify-tools for something else, but they can also be handy for seeing what goes on below a mysqld process. inotify hooks into the filesystem handlers, and sees which files are accessed. You can then set triggers, or just display a tally over a certain period.

It has been a standard Linux kernel module since 2.6.13 (2005, wow that’s a long time ago already) and can be used through calls or the inotify-tools (commandline). So with the instrumentation already in the kernel, apt-get install inotify-tools is all you need to get started.

 # inotifywatch -v -t 20 -r /var/lib/mysql/* /var/lib/mysql/zabbix/*
Establishing watches...
Setting up watch(es) on /var/lib/mysql/mysql/user.frm
OK, /var/lib/mysql/mysql/user.frm is now being watched.
Total of 212 watches.
Finished establishing watches, now collecting statistics.
Will listen for events for 60 seconds.
total  modify  filename
2371   2371    /var/lib/mysql/
2148   2148    /var/lib/mysql/
1157   1157    /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0
24     24      /var/lib/mysql/zabbix/
24     24      /var/lib/mysql/zabbix/history.ibd
8      8       /var/lib/mysql/zabbix/trends_uint.ibd
6      6       /var/lib/mysql/zabbix/items.ibd
5      5       /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1

This is just a limited example from a dev box, but you can see the benefit. You can see which files have been accessed, in what way, and how many times over the specified period. Consequently this provides the most insight if you’re using innodb-file-per-table (or MyISAM) rather than a single InnoDB tablespace. But of course it depends a bit on what you’re looking for.

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MySQL projects on launchpad, sourceforge, google code and

While doing some work for the MySQL MMM project, I got distracted and browsed around for a bit. I started searching for MySQL on google code, and then expanded that search into launchpad, sourceforge and of course
I found that there are literally thousands of FOSS MySQL projects on these sites. No surprise really, but still not something we stop to think about every day.
I thought I would share that with you here so you can go and have a look for yourself to see if you see anything that might be useful to you. Of course if you do, please blog about it so we can all benefit from it.

DISCLAIMER: many of these projects are in development, it depends on the project really. Before you go off and use a new tool you have never heard of in production, make sure to test it properly beforehand.
Finding out some tool doesn’t work as advertised on a production system is pretty nasty.

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Fab tool: watch

A post by Ronald reminded me I wanted to write about watch. The Linux watch command is a fab tool, it allows you to run a program at a set interval, such as every 5 seconds. Handy for keeping an eye on stuff!

Update 2009-06-30: yesterday I wrote “… watch does not re-load and run the program, but goes in and resets the program counter.” (and was un-recommending it for use on production systems for that reason). I was blindly quoting an otherwise trusted source, and it was wholly wrong. Numerous people had a peek at the source code (all the way back to 1997) and found the popen(). So, I stand corrected and my apologies for not doing extra homework in the first place before posting! (I’m leaving the comments as they are)

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Tool of the day: ack – better than grep

I’m decently familiar with grep so I can usually make it do what I want. I frequently need to search for instance MySQL source code for certain pattern strings, and this makes life so much easier. But Akash pointed out ack to me, which has the specific tagline “better than grep” (has the domain even) and I reckon it does live up to that. Win! It’s written in pure Perl, very easy to install (doesn’t even use CPAN if you don’t want).

It recurses into subdirs by default, while ignoring stuff like revision control and binary files. You can search specific types of files through a symbolic name rather than by specifying regexes. And it has colour highlighting, and simply uses the familiar Perl regexes for its pattern matching rather than funky subsets of which there are many distinct ones…

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