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Update: MySQL tmpdir on tmpfs

Followup on Experiment: MySQL tmpdir on tmpfs, about tmpdir=/dev/shm in my.cnf (it’s not a dynamic variable that can be set at runtime). It’s working well, also confirmed by comments from others that they’ve been using it for a while.

This particular setting is Linux specific. On Solaris, the default /tmp is already on a tmpfs so that’s fine too. Brian reminded me that this tweak is also useful if you’re stuck with a 32-bit OS as you can then utilise some more memory in a practical way.

Extra useful hint from Harrison: if you are using replication, you will also want slave_load_tmpdir=/tmp on your slave (real disk which survives a restart). The issue is that with statement based binary logging, there are many events which create a file for a replicated LOAD DATA INFILE. If you stop your server after some of these events have occurred, but not all, it will break after you restart.

Thanks everyone for their feedback!

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