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Tom Eastman on File Uploads

The awesome Tom Eastman presented a session at PyCon Australia (Melbourne) 2016 entitled

“The dangerous, exquisite art of safely handing user-uploaded files”.

Every web application has an attack surface — the exposed points of interaction where a malicious or mischievous user can commit malice, or mischief (respectively). Possibly nowhere, however, is more vulnerable than places a user is allowed to upload arbitrary files.
The scope for abuse is eye-widening: The contents of the file, the type of the file, the size and encoding of the file, even the *name* of the file can be a potent vector for attacking your system.
The scariest part? Even the best and most secure web-frameworks can’t protect you from all of it.

In this talk, Tom shows you every scary thing he knows about that can be done with a file upload, and how to protect yourself from — hopefully — most of them.

Do watch it and pick up any hints you can.  This is important stuff.

How do your web applications handle file uploads?

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On Open Source and Business Choices

Open Source is a whole-of-process approach to development that can produce high-quality products better tailored to users’ real world needs.  A key reason for this is the early feedback cycle built into that complete process.

Simply publishing something under an Open Source license (while not applying Open Source development processes) does not yield the same quality and other benefits.  So, not all Open Source is the same.

Publishing source of a product “later” (for instance when the monetary benefit has diminished for the company) is meaningless.  In this scenario, there is no “Open Source benefit” to users whatsoever, it’s simply a proprietary product. There is no opportunity for the client to make custom modifications or improvements, or ask a third party to work on such matters – neither is there any third party opportunity to verify and validate either code quality or security.

Open Source is not a marketing gimmick.  Labels such as “Open Source”, or “Enterprise”, on their own, do not have any more positive outcome than a greasy hamburger labeled with “healthy”.  If a company “believes” in Open Source software, they’ll use the open source development model for their software development.

And now we see things like this: Uproar: MariaDB Corp. veers away from open source (by Simon Phipps, InfoWorld, August 2016)

So what does it mean when a company publishes some of their software under an open source license, and does some related products under a proprietary license?  To me, it’s generally a strong indication that the company either doesn’t believe in that model, or doesn’t understand it.  And we’ve seen it before.

It also reminds me of an interaction I had many years ago.  A Marketing VP asked me “How can we leverage our [Open Source] community?”  I answered the only possible way: “One does not ‘leverage’ the community, that’s not how it works.”  Of course that wasn’t the answer the VP wanted to hear, but that doesn’t make it less true.  They saw the community as an asset to use, rather than work with.  People don’t like getting used, and in the Open Source space that’s even more true.

Companies that have turned their back on their earlier Open Source work and who have devised some other model to (arguably) make more money, have all discovered that this fundamentally changes their market.  They’ll lose some of their users, customers and supporters, and gain some new different clients.  It’s a different market.  Whether and how that pans out in terms of commercial success is never certain.  Given that we know that the Open Source development process yields benefits in terms of quality and features users want, we can say that non-OSS products lack (some of) those benefits, so to put it bluntly, it’ll be a different product of possibly less quality and the feature set is likely to differ as well.

Naturally we cannot ascertain code quality directly as we can’t review closed code directly, bug systems of proprietary software tends to be closed, changelogs are condensed for marketing purposes, but as far back as a decade and a half there have been independent studies that worked out “lines of code per software flaw” and it came out significantly in favour of Open Source software, having proportionally much fewer bugs.  Bugs also tend to get fixed quicker in Open Source software.  None of this is new(s). see for instance Open-source vs. proprietary software bugs: Which get squashed fastest? (CNET, 2007)

For complete products (libraries are a slightly different beast) with a relatively large market scope, source code being available does not in any way diminish a company’s ability to make money.  Having the core developers, tech writers and support people gives them a significant edge in the open market, and that’s a business asset you can leverage.  You do that by focusing on those aspects in your communications – that’s basic marketing, you draw attention to the positive aspects that make your company/product stand out from the rest.  Clearly, this objective cannot not achieved by force, as you don’t make a (potential) client like or trust you by denying them choice or transparency.

There is one other known option aside from not believing or not understanding, and that’s fear. But fear is an awkward business driver, it makes for very bad decisions.

MariaDB Corp in part uses the Open Source development model, in part they’re an Open Source publisher (in-house work that’s only made available at a later stage in the development process), and now some proprietary product has been added to the mix (actually new versions of an existing product).  Looking at this I am rather unclear about what they believe in.  Of course companies can make business choices as they see fit – but they never operate in a vacuum.  In the end it doesn’t matter much what I believe personally, the market will do what it will – historically, it responds in the various ways as described above.  We’ll see how it pans out.

Open Query does not recommend (or re-sell at all) proprietary tools, as it just doesn’t make sense for us or our clients.  We often do bugfixes and improvements which we contribute upstream – for proprietary tools we can’t do that and thus it becomes a hindrance for us and our clients.  On the specific practical level, we’ve actually never used MaxScale (the product that MariaDB Corp will now sell under different conditions for future versions), and this stems from our experience with its effective predecessor MySQL Proxy.  Having a complex set of scripted logic in a proxy slows down applications and introduces a rather large extra (single) point of potential failure in to infrastructure.   So, while Simon refers to MaxScale as an essential tool for scale-able environments, we know from experience that there are other ways of achieving that desired objective, and without the downsides.

Rather than promoting a single tool for many wildly different jobs, we utilise a few different tools depending on the needs of particular client infrastructure.  We still have a couple of (now legacy) MySQL-MMM deployments, but also quite a few Galera clusters, and other setups as suit our clients’ needs.  Key is to not only make the infrastructure convenient to use for applications, but also to not introduce any more single points of failure.  We build resilience into the client’s server infrastructure, without adding significant overhead in either performance or maintenance requirements.

We believe that that’s what clients want, and since potential clients come to us asking exactly for that (and note our approach with relief) we think that we’re doing the right thing by our clients.  We’ve used this approach for over 9 years, and we’ll just keep on doing that – our basic approach doesn’t change even when our tools do.  If you’d like to talk with us about helping you with your infra, using our approach and way of working, contact us today!

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The Australian Online Census 2016 Example of How-Not-To

error crossOne of the key problems with the 2016 online census was the architecture, but also the how the whole thing was organised and who was contracted for the job.

IBM, for the $9.6mln it got paid for the job, built something very clunky. They used Java, which is not bad per-se but the system also required Java on the client (browser) side which is just daft. The number of systems that either don’t have or can’t run client side Java is huge, and for the rest you get into version conflict mayhem. And it’s clunky, it’s a lot of code and heaviness to shuffle around which is not a great approach to build a scalable site.

If you think of the census form, the total amount of data gathered is not actually that big. It doesn’t require any particularly complicated database or storage setup.
Serving forms to clients is very light on web servers – if you then use Javascript logic to control the flow through the forms you can actually run most of the work on the client side, including intermediate local saving for the “just in case”. Then you produce a single submit with confirmation, and a transaction with a number of inserts into the database. The language used on the server end is not that important as its job is minimal. Most of the content served can be static, and might even be handled through a CDN.

The scale of the online census task is quite small, relative to many websites. Not only Twitter/Facebook/etc but many e-commerce sites have a vastly more complicated situation where they have to serve many different pages of which many are dynamic, lots of writes and shopping carts that get updated in chunks, then the whole checkout process…. and all that can work fine too. So the census is not a big or complicated problem, really. It just needs to be done right.

The fact that IBM, for $9.6mln, completely stuffed it, is a very serious indicator of where the relevant skills and innovation capability lies. For this type of job, not with IBM. Going with a big company does not guarantee good results. If you reckon this is a one-off, ask Queensland Health about their payroll debacle (SAP implemented by… IBM). Similarly, very expensive is not necessarily better. It can be just very costly, in so many respects.

ABS/IBM also declined the NextDC offer for datacenter level firewalling and DoS protection. Another serious mistake. But application architecture too affects security. When I googled for Census 2016 on census night, the first link that came up was a Census staff login. That’s just beyond astonishing. That should not be public at all. It doesn’t need to be on a public domain, and probably should be only accessible via a VPN.

The company that did the online Census 2016 load testing for another half million $ and bragged before census night about how well their team worked together with the ABS and IBM people, should also be seriously embarrassed about the shoddy job they delivered. From their own site:

“Revolution IT worked in a highly collaborative manner, and their subject knowledge, expertise and advice were key to achieve our project goals and objectives. We were impressed with how well they engaged with our e-Census solution provider (another private company). [IBM]”

Success is not defined by how well your team worked, it’s very simply proven by how well the system deals with the real world. In this case, it didn’t. At all. So, total process fail. It would have been very wise to wait with the bragging until after census night. If it holds up well, you can brag. Otherwise, you hush and no public embarrassment at least on that front. PR fail.

Their public statement (after census night) is at where they explain that the Census site was taken offline due to security concerns, and since security was not part of their brief, their performance was all ok and successful.  But come on now, how is security not part of any practical testing?  It is by nature an integral part of how things work online!  Implementation of security may impact performance, and obviously security aspects always impact availability – and without availability you have no performance at all.

All in all, Census 2016 is a brilliant example of “how not to” in modern online architecture.

And to prove all this again, two students at QUT in Brisbane just built the same in a few days and for about $500 which I understand was mostly pizza costs.

Read that story at (that write-up is rather populist simplistic, but the fact that a few students can very well design a site like this, and properly, is absolutely correct).

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Choosing Whether to Migrate to Another Database: Uber

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Web Security: SHA1 SSL Deprecated

You may not be aware that the mechanism used to fingerprint the SSL certificates that  keep your access to websites encrypted and secure is changing. The old method, known as SHA1 is being deprecated – meaning it will no longer be supported. As per January 2016 various vendors will no longer support creating certificates with SHA1, and browsers show warnings when they encounter an old SHA1 certificate. Per January 2017 browsers will reject old certificates.

The new signing method, known as SHA2, has been available for some time. Users have had a choice of signing methods up until now, but there are still many sites using old certificates out there. You may want to check the security on any SSL websites you own or run!

To ensure your users’ security and privacy, force https across your entire website, not just e-commerce or other sections. You may have noticed this move on major websites over the last few years.

For more information on the change from SHA1 to SHA2 you can read:

To test if your website is using a SHA1 or SHA2 certificate you can use one of the following tools:

Open Query also offers a Security Review package, in which we check on a broad range of issues in your system’s front-end and back-end and provide you with an assessment and recommendations. This is most useful if you are looking at a form of security certification.

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Slow Query Log Rotation

Some time ago, Peter Boros at Percona wrote this post: Rotating MySQL slow logs safely. It contains good info, such as that one should use the rename method for rotation (rather than copytruncate), and then connect to mysqld and issue a FLUSH LOGS (rather than send a SIGHUP signal).

So far so good. What I do not agree with is the additional construct to prevent slow queries from being written during log rotation. The author’s rationale is that if too many items get written while the rotation is in process, this can block threads. I understand this, but let’s review what actually happens.

Indeed, if one were to do lots of writes to the slow query log in a short space of time, a write could block while waiting.

Is the risk of this occurring greater during a logrotate operation? I doubt it. A FLUSH LOGS has to close and open the file. While there is no file open, no writes can occur anyhow and they may be stored in the internal buffer of the lowlevel MySQL code for this.

In any case, if there is such a high write rate, that is an issue in itself: it is not useful to have the slow query log write that fast. Instead, you’d up the long_query_time and min_examined_rows variables to reduce the effectively “flow rate”. It’s always best to resolve an underlying issue rather than its symptom(s).

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LKML: Live patching for 3.20

Building on the original kSplice idea and combining the efforts of the work done at Red Hat and SuSE, common infrastructure is now ready to be put into the Linux 3.20 mainline kernel – Red Hat and SuSE have already committed to using this.

I still reckon it’s freaky trickery, but heck – it works, and it’s great for server environments that have no redundancy (I prefer to fix that issue!) and can’t afford any downtime.

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Munin graphing of MySQL

While there are many graphing tools out there and we’ve used Munin for a while now.

The MySQL plugin for Munin had fallen out of date and the show engine innodb status output changed in 5.5 making some bits of the plugin simply not work any more. Also the show global status has some extra variables so there was a need to create new graphs.

All of these are now in the 2.1.8+ development releases of Munin.

Here are samples of the new/updated graphs.

Munin table definations
Table Definitions

Innodb Buffer Pool Activity
Innodb Buffer Pool Internal Breakdown
Innodb Insert Buffer
Innodb Insert Buffer
Innodb Buffer Pool
Innodb Semaphores
Innodb Semaphores
Innodb Master Thread
Innodb Master Thread
Innodb Adaptive Hash Index
Innodb Queries and Transactions
Innodb Queries and Transactions
Innodb Read Views
Innodb Read Views
Innodb Descriptors
Innodb Descriptors
Performance Schema Losses
Performance Schema Losses
Query Cache
Query Cache
Maximum Memory of MySQL
Maximum Memory of MySQL
Handler Read
Handler Read
Handler Transaction
Handler Transaction
Handler Write
Handler Write
Handler Temporary Write/Updates
Handler Temporary Write/Updates
Execution (triggers and events)
Index Condition Pushdown
Multi Range Read Optimizations
Multi Range Read Optimizations

Some of these above graphs may miss a variable or two with MariaDB-10 because of variable name changes. These will be corrected when we get to those. In MariaDB-10 there is useful transition to information schema tables for status information which will make it significantly easier to parse.

Individual buffer pool information also has been parsed out however we haven’t worked out how to graphing this correctly. Also not yet merged is a bunch of Galera graphs which are currently waiting on some Galera provider changes.

We’ll continue to work with the Munin developers to keep this MySQL plugin up to date and useful.

There’s other graphs in the MySQL Munin plugins that we haven’t changed so aren’t included here.

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MySQL Connector/Arduino

Chuck Bell, one of my former colleague from MySQL AB, has created a connector for Arduino to MySQL. So this allows Arduino code to be a direct client of a MySQL or MariaDB server, with Ethernet and WiFi shields supported.

With Arduino boards being used more and more, this can come in really handy – not only for retrieving (for instance) centralised configuration data, but also for logging. Useful stuff. Thanks Chuck!


 Introducing MySQL Connector/Arduino 1.0.0 beta

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Tool of the Day: MOSH (Mobile Shell)

Today I nominate MOSH (Mobile Shell) from MIT in our “tool of the day” category.

With people working remote, we sometimes encounter connectivity issues. But even when working from a stable connection, it’s sometimes just a pest when you close your laptop even though you hadn’t quite finished looking at something on that SSH connection…

We tend to use a jumping box for connections to clients, so connections come from a known IP (for the firewalls) and where we have our end of VPN  and such. On that box we now also have a MOSH server. It doesn’t replace the authentication part of SSH, but rather takes over afterwards and maintains an (encrypted) UDP path (it being UDP you can’t really call it a connection).

Now you can change IPs, close your laptop lid, see your ADSL connection retrain, and all will be well anyway. MOSH will warn you when a connection is (temporarily) gone but it’ll automatically sort out the reconnection for you. And depending on what you’re doing, you can actually keep typing locally. Even roaming between wifi and mobile will not break things.

There’s more to it, but the important thing is that now you know it exists! The MOSH site at MIT is simple but clear, and fairly complete including instructions how to install and use on pretty much any platform. Have you tried MOSH already? Send us your thoughts.

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