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Open Query turns 3!

Open Query is now three years old! We initially started with consulting and training services, and extended this with our proactive subscriptions that also offers system administration and monitoring.

So how is it going? Pretty well. We’ve been profitable from the start, without funding (beyond a few hundred $ startup costs paid by Arjen) or any credit – by choice. Our objective has never been to grow ridiculously in terms of revenue or number of customers, we simply charge reasonable prices for real service. Right now we have dozens of clients on an ongoing basis, a neat trickle of new clients, and Open Query sustains the livelyhood and lifestyle of a number of people.

For me (Arjen), the three year mark is particularly interesting, since most startups do not make it past their first two years. With our different approach to doing business, we’ve seen our fair share of skepticism. Not that we mind, if anything it’s encouragement 😉
If you’d like to learn more about our business principles, see the Upstarta site.

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