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On “The Gitgub threat” and distributed development

The Github Threat” is a great write-up by Carl Chenet, reviewing the problems created by this centralised system.

Github is very convenient, but that’s not really the point…

The greatest irony in the setup is that key advantages of using distributed revision control are undermined by using a centralised repository for bugs and other key aspects of the development process.

It’s most unfortunate, but indeed ubiquity comes with lots of side-effects. People join without considering, and many people joining will not have the background or information to even be able to consider.

For an example of a distributed version control system that has its bug tracking (and other aspects) built-in: Fossil, by the author of SQLite, Richard Hipp.
The approach has specific merits that we should consider, and they can “easily” be applied with Git also.

Many of the GitHub alternatives are in themselves centralised – yes you can run your own instance, but they still split the code from the bugs and other info. Why?

There are documented cases of Github projects (ref. Gadgetbridge) being blocked due to DMCA take-down notices.  Imagine your company relying on a centralised service and that service being (even temporarily) being unavailable to your employees.  How well will your company cope?  Yes, with Git you can share changes in a different way, but your business processes will need to adjust and that can be quite hard.  How will the equivalent of pull-requests be managed, and where is your bug tracking?

Finally, it should not be necessary to have a centralised user-base at all. It would be good to have/use a distributed notification system (Mastodon might qualify) for distributed repos, using signed messages. That way even “politically endangered” projects would be able to exist effectively without an intrinsic risk of being taken out. Secondary hosts can automatically clone and broadcast availability.

As part-fixes, also see options like this idea for Gitlab (and others): Implement cross-server (federated) merge requests.

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Modular vs Integrated

There’s actually no single “correct” answer! It all depends on

  1. where in a stack the component lives;
  2. the state of the market for that component region;
  3. sometimes even geographic location of the user comes into play.

Yes, for OSS projects modularity is handy in terms of handling contributions, but modularity may not be the best way to deal with a problem in a certain market state and situation!

Research has shown (see, for example, “The Innovator’s Solution” by Clayton Christensen) that the “integrated” region over time actually shifts to a subcomponent of an original integrated component that has since gone modular. An interesting example of this for MySQL its pluggable storage engine interface since version 5.1. MySQL is more modular now, but individual storage engines are tightly integrated for performance reasons, and in some cases they are even proprietary. It’s important to realise that this too is just a phase and not a final state.

But sticking with OSS for this story, distributed version control with (among other things) decent branching/merging make contributions to the core are entirely feasible and even easy. It’s a matter of using a toolchain that supports the most suitable work process, rather than hinder it or force another unsuitable wok process. Good distributed version control systems: bzr (Bazaar), hg (Mercurial), git.

(note: svn/subversion, even with some “distributed” hacks on top of it, does *not* qualify as it’s architecturally unsuitable. The other tools have excellent migration plugins available to get your work process -and your code- out of svn hell. It’s a bit of work but can be a stepwise process to unwarp your work processes and get a sane and more productive development workflow.)

At Open Query we particularly like bzr, because with Launchpad it provides an excellent environment for tracking of bugs, features and ongoing work, merge reviews, and so on. The admin side of Launchpad has some user interface issues, but it is workable.

Sometimes the core of a particular component does need fixing – but the time may not be right for modularity, and it’s important to not get distracted by that geeky desire of “everything modular” as swimming against market forces can be very painful.

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